How University Pathway Programmes Provide Life-Changing Opportunities

Fri 12 Feb 2016

More and more, international students are seeing the value of pathway programmes as a gateway into top English-speaking universities. The number of these types of courses available has grown by 17% in this past year alone, with colleges increasingly seeing these courses as the ideal way to prepare international students for academic life.

A degree from a respected English-speaking university can open up a world of possibilities for an international student in business, science and many other areas. But the challenge of learning a new language and applying it in an academic environment, all while adjusting to a new culture, can be very difficult for young people.

Pathway programmes offer an ideal solution, with qualified instructors working together with universities to offer courses designed to make sure students have the skills they need to be successful in their studies.

If you have always dreamed of studying at an English-speaking university, read on to find out how a pathway programme could help you make that dream a reality.

University Pathway Programmes Offer Guaranteed Progression To Degree Courses

Pathway programmes provide a simplified route to university acceptance

International students often face significant barriers when looking to be accepted to English-speaking degree programmes, and are naturally concerned that their English skills and academic credentials won't meet entrance requirements at leading universities.

Pathway programmes make everything a lot simpler. Because course providers like ONCAMPUS work in partnership with universities, students are offered guaranteed progression to their chosen degree once they meet specified entry criteria and complete their programme, offering them an easier route to achieving their goals.

Students in Foundation Courses Learn Relevant English and Academic Skills 

Students in Foundation Courses make new friends as they study

Of course, being accepted to a UK pathways programme is an excellent opportunity, and international students will want to make the most of it, achieving high grades in their studies that will lead to better possibilities in their future career.

But this is not always easy. Communicating in English in an academic environment can be very different from using it in your everyday life. Subjects like engineering and mathematics use very specific vocabularies that won’t be covered in a standard English course.

To make sure students are fully prepared, university pathway programmes include special academic modules, where students study topics relating to their degree, helping to develop their knowledge in their chosen field while working on their language skills. This approach helps students enter their degree programmes confident they can earn great results.

Foundation Courses Are A Great Way To Start Life On A New Campus.

Outside of the classroom, students face a different set of challenges. Coming to a new country and adjusting to a different culture can be tough. Students will want to make the most of the experience, meeting new people and experiencing all that their new environment has to offer.

That’s why pathway programmes are ideal. The courses take place directly on the campus of the university where the student will be taking their degree, allowing them to get involved in university activities and become familiar with their new surroundings. As the small class sizes in foundation courses make it easy to develop friendships, the confidence and social skills students built during this experience won’t just help them at university, but in their personal and professional lives for years to come.  

Are you ready to change your life? ONCAMPUS offers a range of university pathway programmes for UK, USA and continental Europe. Explore our website to learn more.

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