Celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S.

Mon 20 Nov 2017

Thanksgiving is a major holiday in the United States.  The actual date varies each year, as it falls on the fourth Thursday in November. For international students studying in the U.S., Thanksgiving can be somewhat baffling, with the talk of turkeys, parades, and football. Nevertheless, Thanksgiving can be fun and you can start your own Thanksgiving traditions. 

History of Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving took place in 1621, when the Plymouth colonists shared an autumn harvest feast with the Wampanoag Indians. However, it was only in 1789, when George Washington made the first Thanksgiving proclamation and making it an official national holiday. And it was Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939, who fixed the holiday to the last Thursday in November, as a means to try to increase retail sales during the Great Depression. Generally speaking, Thanksgiving is very much a celebration of giving thanks for food, family, friends and health. 

The tradition: the big family meal, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and football

Today, Thanksgiving for most Americans is a time when family members get together and share a big meal. For many, preparing the Thanksgiving meal together is part of the holiday celebrations. It is unclear whether the pilgrims actually ate turkey, but turkey has become an integral part of the Thanksgiving meal. Whether the turkey is baked, roasted or fried is up to the family. There is also a strange tradition of ‘pardoning the turkey’ by the President, which dates back to the 1940s. 

Although the menu for the Thanksgiving meal varies from family to family, with each family having their own traditions. The Thanksgiving meal may include turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, cornbread, and pumpkin pie. If you have the chance to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal with a family, get ready to take some leftovers home!

Thanksgiving parades have also become a big part of the holiday. By far the most famous one is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. A must see, if you have chance to be in New York for Thanksgiving. It is famous for its large balloons of popular cartoon characters and floats. It attracts millions of people every year and is broadcast live on TV.

Watching a football game is another tradition. Dating back to the 19th century, big rival teams usually play during the Thanksgiving holidays and many football games take place on the Thanksgiving holiday. The most popular of these is the National Football League game between the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys game, a match-up that has been taking place since 1934. 

Ways you can celebrate the holiday

Although a heart-warming holiday for Americans, Thanksgiving can be a sombre holiday for international students as most American students will go home for Thanksgiving. Some families may invite international students to their Thanksgiving celebrations and if you get invited, you won’t forget your first Thanksgiving meal.

But if you don’t get invited, don’t worry, because most universities will have some event on campus, including a Thanksgiving meal. You can also invite some of your friends over and cook your own Thanksgiving or ‘Friendsgiving’ meal or buy ready-made turkey dinners from a nearby supermarket. 

So, go on, consider all that you are thankful for this year, and make your own Thanksgiving Day traditions in the United States. 

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