International Pre-Master's Programme

The International Pre-Master’s Programme prepares students for postgraduate study at KEDGE Business School, LISAA, Istituto Marangoni, NABA and Domus Academy.

On successful completion of this 2-semester programme (and by meeting the progression criteria) you are guaranteed progression to a number of postgraduate degrees in France, Italy and beyond.

Who is this programme designed for?

This programme is designed to prepare international students for postgraduate study. The International Pre-Master's Programme will allow you to improve your English while learning the study skills and research methods that you will need during your postgraduate studies. You will study a range of academic modules as shown below.

How long will I study for?

This programme lasts one academic year (nine months). You will undertake up to 25 hours of classroom-based study per week.

What will I study?

All students will study the following modules:

  • Research Project
  • Academic English Language Development
  • Research and Digital Literacy Skills
  • Personal Development for Employability
  • Working in Teams
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
  • French for Beginners

Click to download the ONCAMPUS Pre-Master's Programme Guide for full course details and learning objectives. 

How will I be assessed?

Each module will have an assessment schedule, which will be completed by the end of the appropriate semester and will include formative and summative assignments and other assessment tasks. Assessments will be designed to demonstrate learning across the individual modules of the programme and to allow you to experience a wide range of the assessment methods used in French postgraduate programmes. Assessments will normally include coursework, essays, reports and other structured assignments, oral examination and unseen written examinations.

Programme details:

Course length: 2 semesters 
Hours per week: up to 25

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